Mon - Fri : 08:30 am - 4:30 pm (02)
Laparoscopic & Hepatobiliary Surgeon
Newtown & Wollstonecraft

General Surgery

General surgery is the surgical subspecialty that involves treatment of any injury, deformity and disease with operative procedures. It is considered as an option when medications can no longer alleviate your condition. The common abdominal conditions treated with surgery include appendicitis, pancreatitis, hernias, gallbladder disorders, and stomach and intestinal disorders.

Some of the general surgical procedures are as follows:

Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy (Removal of the Gallbladder)

The Liver makes bile and excretes it into a long tube (the bile duct) that joins the first part of the bowel. Bile is a salty solution that helps to make fats that we eat dissolve in water (so that we can absorb them). When there is no fat in the gut, the bile is stored in the gallbladder. When we eat fat, a chemical messenger makes the gallbladder contract, squeezing bile into the gut. Around 1 in 10 adults have gallstones. These begin as small crystals in the gallbladder and grow over time. These stones can cause irritation to the gallbladder, particularly when fat is consumed, causing pain and nausea (biliary colic).

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Surgery to Repair Hernia

What is a Hernia?

A Hernia is an out-pouching of intra-abdominal contents through a defect, or hole in the muscle. The abdominal muscles and bones of the pelvis prevent abdominal contents from drooping out under normal circumstances. The skin and fat below the skin do not provide any strength and stretch if there is a hernia present. Hernias can occur anywhere in the abdomen, but most commonly occur at weak points where a small tear can start, and enlarge over time. The common weak points are;

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Abdominal Wall Hernias Explained with Dr Michael Crawford